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The Gospel Cannot Be Quarantined

The Gospel Cannot Be Quarantined

MAY  12,  2020    |    2  MINUTE  READ

“Save us, Lord.…” And he said to them,
“Why are you afraid?”

Matthew 8:25–26 (ESV)

Does the following sound like anyone you know?

They are afraid to go to the store, to go to work, or to be with anyone other than their immediate family.

If anyone would have expressed that to you in January, you might have been worried about them. Now, though, these traits describe people all around you.

Fear is now dominating the lives of so many people you know.

“Why are you afraid?”

These are fearful times, but Jesus challenges us to have faith in Him and His ability to help us.

You or I wouldn’t choose our current circumstances, BUT…it turns out they are an ideal greenhouse for the cultivation of the Gospel message in the lives of people.

Why? Because the Gospel cannot be quarantined!

The Gospel thrives in such adversities! Jesus taught us this in Matthew 9:36–38 when He indicated that the harvest of people into the kingdom is at its greatest when they are feeling confused and helpless. He leaves no doubt that hardship opens the door to evangelism.

And once again, we are seeing this become reality as the deep pain and hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic is causing the message of the Gospel to flourish around the world. It is speaking peace and hope, calming the fears of the people who are afraid of dying. For the very foundation of the Gospel is a return from our broken state to wholeness in Christ.

And our missionaries are positioned perfectly to help these anxious people. Even though many of our missionaries are under mandatory stay-at-home orders, they are working hard to creatively share this Gospel with the people around them. And we are deeply encouraged because out of their desperate circumstances people are fervently seeking help and finding peace as they come to know Jesus as their Savior.

WGM is thriving in the midst of this pandemic because of God’s faithfulness and because He is helping your missionaries to creatively address the distress of those that are lost. This will be WGM's greatest year yet.

We know this is not our own doing, but this comes from God's hand. Prayer has always been a core value of World Gospel Mission, whether through Prayer Bands, The Call magazine, or Prayer Lifeline. We will not settle for less than passionate, faith-filled prayer.

Prayer is our best recourse in times like this. So please join us in praying for your global workers, the people that they serve, and those they serve alongside. The world may see some changes as a result of this pandemic; pray that one of those changes will be that nations grow closer to their Creator. Thank you to those who have already supported us with your prayers, time, and finances.

Your prayers are another reason that 2020 will be WGM’s best year yet!

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