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2020 Rebrand

2020 Rebrand

MAY  19,  2020    |    2  MINUTE  READ

Watch a message from our Chairman of the Board, Dave Engbrecht, introducing the new WGM rebrand.

World Gospel Mission turns 110 years old on June 10. To celebrate this milestone, we’re looking back at the ways God has worked miraculously in our history. We’re also looking forward to how He will continue to work.

Since our founding, WGM has operated under three different names, with a number of different logos to go with them. You can see how our look has evolved over time, even while we continued to maintain our original values.

A graphic showing WGM's logos in chronological order

WGM 2020 Rebrand Process

  • The design process for this logo started in the archives. We studied our historical documents to see what had been done throughout the years.
  • In June 2019, we sent out a survey featuring the past WGM logos to global workers, staff, retirees, and the board.
  • The results showed that the globe, the dove, and a simplistic logo were the three most important features to include in the future logo.
  • We created two versions that we then presented to focus groups, who helped us land on the new logo you see here.

A graphic explaining the significance of the elements of the logo

This rebrand process has been an exciting chance to shift with the digital age so we can continue to journey with those who are praying with us, going where God has called, and giving obediently.


Are the mission and vision of World Gospel Mission changing?

No. This logo refresh reinforces our current mission and vision by better visually representing them in our current cultural context. Our mission is still to engage Christlike disciples to transform the world, and our vision is that of transformed people transforming communities to transform the world.

Are the core values of World Gospel Mission changing?

No. Like our mission and vision, we still embody the core values of Passionate Prayer, Personal Holiness, Stewardship with Accountability, and Wholistic Transformation. In fact, these core values aren’t all that different from those we had back in 1910, at our founding: Holiness, Prayer, Evangelism, National Ministry, and Thoroughness.

Are those new colors?

Why yes they are, thanks for noticing! We wanted to create a strong logo that would work in one color, as this would allow for versatile use in design and help keep costs down for T-shirt printing. In the history of WGM, blue has been a prominent color. Blue conveys trustworthiness and strength. This blue is supported by bright and vibrant colors taken from the cultures that we serve. We sought to build a color palette that would work well with photos as we use them on the website, in print, and on social media, accentuating colors found in nature, culture, food, and landscapes.

Why is the dove flying forward instead of descending?

When we reviewed the feedback from the June 2019 survey, we heard from several individuals who wondered why the dove on our logo at that time was going down rather than going up and out. We want to be clear that WGM is not changing its position on holiness nor the work of the Holy Spirit. We intentionally changed the direction of the dove to represent the work that the Holy Spirit does in transforming each of us and sending us out as we respond to the Great Commission.

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