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27 Aug 19
Angela Olsen
in Tanzania, Uganda, USA
Growing Up MK
An interview with MK Austin Hopson and his parents
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12 Aug 19
Josh & Kelly Hallahan
Pray without Ceasing
What a challenging command! How are we to attempt to pray without ceasing?
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01 Jul 19
Greg Leeth with Angela Olsen
in USA
Pray for God’s Presence
Asking for the Lord's presence in our ministries
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13 Jun 19
Alicia Searl
in Uganda
Just Like Me
World Refugee Day 2019 An interview with WGM Missionary Alicia Searl
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03 Jun 19
WGM Day of Prayer
Join us Monday, June 10, to pray for different regions of the world!
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14 May 19
Angela Olsen
17 Must-Haves for Every Mission Trip
How to pack for your next mission trip
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Support a Missionary
Global Impact Fund
Advancing the Great Commission through your partnership.