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A Trail Others Can Follow

A Trail Others Can Follow

DECEMBER  11,  2019    |    2  MINUTE  READ    |    KATELAND  VERNON

Age doesn’t limit what God can do through us

High schooler Michael Nowicki began raising money for a team to travel to Honduras for a special project. As an Eagle Scout, he wanted to do something that impacted those in need. Today we're happy to share a glimpse into how the project unfolded.

Michael Nowicki was searching for the perfect Eagle Scout project, and he wasn’t afraid to dream big. When he heard about the need for an outdoor classroom at El Sembrador School in Honduras from his neighbor, Jeff Smith (who has been involved with past WGM projects), he thought it seemed like the perfect project for him to tackle, one where he could combine his passions and skills to help people in a practical way .

A photo of Jeff Smith and Michael Nowicki (left) and Michael receiving a plaque in thanks from El Sembrador (right)

A project like this couldn’t be completed by one person, though, and Michael knew it. To raise the funds for the trip and building materials, he elicited the help of several groups, including churches of different denominations, a local organization, his school, and the local newspaper. It was inspiring for Michael to see the way these different people worked together towards the same goal. “I think people want to get involved with something like this,” he says, “and my project has given them a way.”

A photo of Michael with other team members and students from El Sembrador with the completed risers (left) Michael preparing the area for concrete to be poured (right)

Less than two years after hearing about the need, Michael found himself on the grounds of El Sembrador School, putting his plans into action with a group of students from the school. It wasn’t long before the classroom was no longer a blueprint but a reality. Jessica Hogan, WGM global worker at El Sembrador, says of the project, “It met a need, empowered Mike and our students to work together and take leadership, and the outdoor classroom he and his team built has been used a lot by our classes since he left.”

A photo of a small class using the outdoor classroom

Michael didn’t let the fact that he is a high schooler determine what he could do. He encourages other people his age, “Get inspired and have faith that you can do anything with God’s help. Lead the way, and don’t be afraid to blaze a trail that others can follow.” He worked hard to raise funds and put his plan into action. Are you letting your age or limitations be the dictator of what you can and cannot do? Is God calling you to something that challenges the societal norm? He can do anything if we give Him our all and trust in His plans.

How can you step out in faith and make a difference?

PRAY: Lift up those around you to have the courage to take a risk that will have great spiritual impact in the lives of others.

GO: You have skills and passions that could meet a need somewhere in the world. Find a short-term trip or special project here.

Author Bio: Kateland Vernon works at WGM headquarters as a writer and editor. She spends her free time organizing her kitchen, playing video games with her husband, and hanging out with her nephews.

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