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Connecting Your Passion with God’s Heart

Connecting Your Passion with God’s Heart

FEBRUARY  12,  2020    |    2.5  MINUTE  READ    |    MOBILIZATION  TEAM

“Being a mobilizer is not just recruiting missionaries. It’s using my God-given gifts and interests to connect with others and serve the kingdom.” —Joe Rasbaugh, Midwest Mobilizer

Here at WGM, we have an entire team dedicated to helping you find the intersection of your passion and God’s heart. They love meeting people where they are and helping them discover ways to get plugged into ministry. Learn more about who they are and how they serve below.

What is your role at WGM?

Joe: As a mobilizer, I have the honor of walking alongside people as they take the first steps in answering the call that God has put on their life. It’s so rewarding to see people saying yes to God. To see them choosing a path that is challenging, divergent from “normal,” and even scary sometimes.

a photo of Joe Rasbaugh, Midwest Mobilizer talking to Bethany Witherspoon, Global Worker to Mexico at ICOM

What is your favorite part of your job?

Jared Gleason (Director of Mobilization): I love that I get to hear story after story from individuals who are saying yes to Jesus, from the university student who has had that lightbulb go off in their mind of how their major connects to what God is doing around the world to the family that are uprooting their lives from the United States to a different country because God has made it clear to them that He is asking them to move and be a part of something more.

Ashlyn Luttrell (Teams Coordinator): Giving people the opportunity to grow and to learn how to follow God in new and deeper ways.

Edgar Molina (West Coast Mobilizer): I enjoy connecting individuals to the mission field, whether it’s through education, medical, or church ministries. It’s such an honor and privilege to be in this role.

Joe: Hearing the stories of how people have gotten where they are. Hearing the incredible things God has done never gets old. It often reminds me of the massive mountains God has moved in my own story. For me, being a mobilizer is not just recruiting missionaries. It’s using my God-given gifts and interests to connect with others and serve the kingdom.

Bebe Gergely (Volunteer Coordinator): My passion is to help others say yes to Jesus, discover their calling, and equip them for ministry. This position allows me to connect that passion with what God is doing all around the world.

A photo of some of the Mobilization team who attended ICOM

Why should someone consider going on a short-term trip?

Ashlyn: Short-term mission trips are often the first opportunity people have to say yes to God to pursuing missions or say yes in following God into the unknown. Mission trips give people the opportunity to stretch their faith and grow as God provides in new ways and challenges them to new experiences.

Why consider mid-term missions?

Bebe: The volunteer program here at WGM is a great way to discover if God is calling you to long-term service. Being in a ministry location for 1–12 months at a time will allow you to experience the realities of cross-cultural living and ministry while investing in already-existing ministries. It’s a great program for college students, young adults, families, but also for second-career adults.

Some of the Mobilization team who attended ICOM

What encouragement would you give to someone interested in missions but unsure about next steps?

Edgar: Explore the opportunities and pray about being involved in a bigger story and what God’s doing around the world.

Jared: If you’re wondering how your passions and skills can connect with what God is doing, or if you know that God is calling you to a different place, my team would love to get to know your story and help discover that with you.

Our mobilization team connects your passion with God’s heart for the world. From a few weeks to a few months or years—start the conversation today to find out what kind of service God might be calling you to.

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