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Seeking Peace

Seeking Peace

DECEMBER  25,  2019    |    4  MINUTE  READ    |    KATELAND VERNON

Invite peace into your life this holiday season.

This year is almost finished. Another year approaches, and while this season looks different for everyone, we can all turn to the story of Christ’s birth for truth. The angels share a blessing with the shepherds—and all people—when they share the news of Jesus’ birth. “Glory to God in the highest heaven,” they proclaim, “and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests” (Luke 2:14 NIV). During that season and now, God wanted us to have peace. It was part of the gift He sent to us, and a large part of what Christ would bring into our lives.

You might be longing for that peace as the year comes to a close. It may seem difficult to achieve, but it can be closer than you think. If you’re looking for peace this holiday season, here are some intentional ways to invite it into your life.

Photo of a road leading through a snowy forest toward light


“Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:19 ESV)

Jesus demonstrated the importance of prayer frequently throughout His time on earth; here, though, He specifically shares the power of praying with others. The holidays often provide opportunities to gather with friends and family, so why not take some time to pray together during these times? Focusing on others can often shift our perspective in a helpful way. Have everyone write down one or two prayer requests on slips of paper. Place them all in a bowl, mix them up, and have everyone take one. Then take turns praying aloud. If you’re not sure exactly how to pray for a certain situation, it’s always okay to ask that God’s will would be done.

When you’re finished praying for others, take a moment to pray for the new year, asking God to guide you. God might take your ministry in a different direction or provide an opportunity to reach a new group of people. Listen for the Spirit’s guidance as you pray. You might have each person in the group pray for someone else, or maybe each person could pray for the group as a whole. Praying together strengthens your bond, and you might decide you like it so much you want to make it a recurring activity!

Photo of a cozy room with a fireplace and a decorated Christmas tree with presents underneath


“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:26 ESV)

A lot of events take place in one year. We’ve grown and experienced a lot since last January, so why not take the time to celebrate all the good that’s taken place? Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of what God has taught you throughout the year, then share these with your spouse, friends, or family members. You can also share memories you made together. Maybe God taught you something about community or generosity. Maybe you reached a new milestone, such as graduating or getting a new job. Or maybe you served on a short-term team that you’ll never forget. Savor those memories together. You could even write them down in a journal to preserve them for future years!

If you have children, you can take this activity to the next level by drawing out your memories of the past year. Make them colorful and joyful while you celebrate the many ways God has blessed your family, then share your drawings. You might even hang them up on the fridge as a visible reminder throughout the next year.

Photo of a road leading through a snow covered landscape


“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31 NIV)

Jesus recognized that His disciples grew weary at times, so He called them away to rest with Him. His call for you today is the same. An easy way to rest during this season is to enjoy your Christmas decor. You likely spent some time getting decorations out of storage and putting them out. Why not set aside a bit of time to sit near the Christmas tree or the fireplace and appreciate how beautiful your house looks during this season? Christmas lights can lend a magical feel to your home and make otherwise mundane activities feel a little more special. Try reading a book, playing a board game, or even working on separate tasks in the same room as a family or with some friends. Simply spending time near each other can be peaceful.

Another way to rest can actually involve mixing up your routine. Take a break from your normal everyday activities to go for a walk by yourself or with your family. Set out mugs with hot chocolate or tea for when you return and bundle up (if it’s cold outside). At some point, stop and stand in silence for a few moments. If there’s snow, appreciate the way it reflects the light. If you’re out in nature, notice the sounds or the lack thereof. If you’re in a town or city, appreciate the way it feels to pause when so much else is in motion. Simply exist for a minute, enjoying God’s creation and His presence. You might gain a new appreciation for this time of year and a greater sense of peace.

As you seek peace this year, know you are not alone. Many around the world are actively bringing God’s peace to communities of people who are longing for it, as well. If you have a heart for peacemaking in a world full of strife, consider starting a conversation with WGM about ways to live at the intersection of your passion and God’s heart.

Author Bio: Kateland Vernon works at WGM headquarters as a writer and editor. She spends her free time organizing her kitchen, playing video games with her husband, and hanging out with her nephews.

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