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5 Ways to Say Thank You

5 Ways to Say Thank You

JANUARY  15,  2020    |    2  MINUTE  READ    |    KATELAND  VERNON

You’ve just started fundraising, and the first few donations have come in. Now you’re wondering what to do next. Have you thought about how you could thank your supporters who are joining you on this journey of ministry? We have a few creative ideas for you!

Photo of a thank you note and a pen on a wooden table

  1. Handwritten Note
    In an age where physical mail is increasingly rare, a handwritten note stands out. It shows you cared enough to take even a couple of minutes to jot down a sincere “thank you.” If you’re not sure a hand-written note would make it to them within the next few weeks, consider sending a digital thank-you card, complete with a picture of your ministry.
  2. Share Next Steps
    While you shouldn’t use your thank-you note to ask for another financial gift, you can use it to help supporters to stay involved in your ministry through other means. Invite them into the story of what God is doing—the work they’re supporting! Send them more information about your ministry or a current project you’re involved in. Send them links to your Facebook, Instagram, or blog so they can receive regular updates. When you acknowledge that their support is the reason you’re able to do what you do, each update will feel like another thank-you.
Photo of a video greeting being recorded on a cell phone
  1. A Video
    This option could be especially purposeful if many of your donors gave at the same time (in response to something you sent out or a fundraising push). A heartfelt video doesn’t have to be long, but it can be a great way to thank multiple people at once. Post it on Facebook or Instagram. You can even tag your donors if you want (though be sure not to leave anyone out).
  2. Include Details
    Regardless of the method you choose, it’s important to notice the details. Be sure you pay attention to these, especially:
    • The spelling of your supporter’s name
    • Whether this is a repeat gift or a first-time gift
    • What they gave toward (if it was a specific project or fund)
  3. These details can help you draft a thank-you that feels individualized to each supporter. If their gift will ensure that a student can attend school or provide important medical supplies, they will be glad to hear that. Such an explanation shows your supporters the impact their giving has and allows them to be part of your ministry.
Photo of a young man handwriting a note
  1. Build Connections
    Another way to thank your supporters is to intentionally connect with them on a regular basis. Schedule a live stream during the Sunday morning service of a church that supports you. Invite a team to visit your ministry location for a short-term mission trip so they can experience first-hand what God is doing there. Post on your social media or send newsletter updates frequently, even if you’re simply sharing one picture with a short caption. Find a routine that works best for you and build it into your schedule, because over time, those small connections add up to create a stronger investment in the story God is writing where you serve.

Whether you’re receiving recurring gifts from your supporters or a first-time donation, be sure to thank the people who make it possible for you to do ministry. God has assembled a team to be part of the work He’s doing through you, so take some time today to express your gratitude to the members who aren’t on the field but who are still a very real part of what you do.

Author Bio: Kateland Vernon works at WGM headquarters as a writer and editor. She spends her free time organizing her kitchen, playing video games with her husband, and hanging out with her nephews.

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