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Living at the Intersection of Your Passion + God's Heart

Living at the Intersection of Your Passion + God's Heart

JANUARY  2,  2020    |    1  MINUTE  READ    |    KATELAND VERNON

Over a hundred years ago, a small group of missions-minded Christians had a God-sized dream of starting a movement of sending out missionaries to proclaim Christ to the ends of the earth. World Gospel Mission was the result of that movement. Watch the video below to learn more about our rich history of trusting God and seeing Him move all around the world.

Since those early years, WGM has been helping people find the intersection of their passion and God’s heart. Now we have over 250 missionaries in 28 countries who are participating in God’s vision for the restoration of the world by taking the Gospel to every corner of the globe through a variety of diverse projects and partnerships.

Not only do you have to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy, but also well-trained to see your passion fulfilled. WGM provides the resources for you to be discipled so that you can go and disciple others. As an image-bearer of God and a follower of Christ, we know you have a passion for seeing the world reconciled to God.

Today, as we have for over 100 years, we seek to help you live at the intersection of your passion and God’s heart. We equip you to play your part in God’s plan for redemption by helping you pursue your passion. Whether your passion takes you down the block, across the country, around the world, or keeps you right where you are, WGM equips you to participate in missions for the spread of the Gospel and, ultimately, the restoring of God’s kingdom to Himself.

Call to action—Click here to find out how you can serve.

Author Bio: Kateland Vernon works at WGM headquarters as a writer and editor. She spends her free time organizing her kitchen, playing video games with her husband, and hanging out with her nephews.

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