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04 Mar 24
Kenneth Hopson with Shea Brown
in Uganda
Two Brothers and a Porch
The Porch is a new ministry where Ugandans can buy food at a reduced price, helping to make nutritional options more accessible to them.
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13 Feb 24
Connor Owen
in Kenya
Snapshots from Kenya
Watch the video for a glimpse of life for missionaries Kevin and Moselle Stark, one second at a time.
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16 Oct 23
Ethan Batschelet
in Honduras
Car in the Ditch
One of the men knocked on my window with his handgun. “It looks like you have a problem,” he said.
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12 Sep 23
Zander Kappo
The Light Being Sent
It was the interrogation we knew was coming. This wasn’t a formality or a warning. We had ten days to move out of the country.
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04 Sep 23
Jane Doe as told by Betsy Tejeda
in USA: Texas/Mexico Border
Prayer Is the Work
Prayer is not how work begins—prayer is the work.
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21 Aug 23
Dr. Burnis H. Bushong
in Honduras
From Severed Fingers to a Saving Faith
When consciousness returned, he had one thought—vengeance.
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