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Announcement from the WGM Board of Directors

Announcement from the WGM Board of Directors

JUNE 19, 2024   |   7.5 MINUTE READ

I am writing to share with you that Dr. Dan Schafer, President of World Gospel Mission, has made the decision to retire from the presidency of WGM on July 1, 2026. I am excited for the leadership that Dan will continue to provide for the next two years. During this time, the board will be actively searching for a successor with the goal of ensuring a seamless transition.

Here is a note from Dan:

In July of 2016, I was given the greatest privilege of my life when I joined a group of talented, dedicated, and godly men and women at WGM who were deeply devoted to taking the Gospel to the lost around the globe. From day one, I have been committed to enhancing the organizational and leadership culture of WGM and to strengthening and expanding our support of our missionaries—all to multiply the eternal impact of our efforts to proclaim the Gospel. Our very talented and dedicated missionaries, staff, and supporters have accomplished some truly amazing things during these past eight years as we have collaborated in ministry, and God has lavished upon us His incredible and abundant blessings. I fully expect to be even further amazed during the next two years as we continue our full-throttled efforts to fulfill together WGM’s part of the Great Commission.

As I am preparing for this future change, the WGM board has been remarkable. I am thankful for the professional way they are working through this process with me. I am confident that the board will lead well through this search for a new president and in cooperation with the missionaries and staff will ensure the vision, mission, and culture of WGM remains strong. Through the years, it has been obvious that God’s hand of blessing has been mightily upon WGM. He has faithfully guided us through many difficulties and has helped us seize on some incredible opportunities He has brought our way. This approaching new season for WGM is full of exciting potential. During the upcoming transition, the board is committed to honoring the past, celebrating our core values, and reaching forth into an extremely promising future. I am excited as I prepare for the eventual handoff to a new president. We are all working together to position this individual so they can build on our momentum, elevate WGM to the next level, and claim new kingdom territory for our Lord.

The board is truly grateful for Dr. Schafer’s leadership of WGM. During his tenure World Gospel Mission has experienced the following in each of these areas:
  • Leadership: Dr. Schafer established a strong leadership team and organizational culture. Regional directors and area team leaders have been empowered with appropriate responsibility and authority.
  • Strategic Initiatives: Under Dr. Schafer’s initial leadership, a Strategic Planning task force was established. This group created mission and vision statements, core values, and strategic initiatives. These core values shaped WGM’s culture positioning the mission for maximum impact.
  • Expanded Ministries in the Greater Middle East: WGM partnered with Step Forward ministries and Michel Khalil to serve over 60 missionaries in the Middle East.
  • Missionaries from Countries other than the United States: WGM created criteria and systems to deploy missionaries from any country to any country. Currently over 30 missionaries are deployed from countries other than the United States.
  • Member Health: WGM significantly expanded Member Health staff and services and training and development of the Member Health staff to better support our missionaries who often face severe challenges related to their ministry deployments in difficult circumstances around the world.
  • Missionary Fundraising Support: WGM invested heavily into preparation, training, and resources to assist missionaries in their fundraising efforts that has resulted in missionaries being funded significantly more quickly, and able to build and maintain significantly stronger and healthier support account and ministry account balances.
  • Financial Viability: WGM eliminated over $4.5 million of internal debt and established strong financial reserves to help navigate future unforeseen financial challenges.
  • Covid Response: WGM successfully navigated the multiple challenges of COVID through the guidance of a COVID task force.
  • Retirement Plan Advances: Dr. Schafer helped navigate the move of the WGM retirement program from a 401(a) plan to a 403(b) which has allowed the mission to better meet the needs of individual missionaries. WGM also changed their medical plan from being self-funded to a fully insured plan.
  • HQ Maintenance Updates: WGM completed a significant number of maintenance projects that had been delayed due to earlier financial challenges, including systems and software upgrades at headquarters. These projects have restored the beauty and functionality of the headquarters campus in Marion.

Dan has done an amazing job positioning World Gospel Mission for significant future impact. His collaborative style of leadership from the board to the individual missionaries has created a culture that is highly effective in making fully committed disciples around the world. Dan has exceeded our expectations in the past eight years. We are looking forward to the next two years as he continues to prepare WGM for long-term effectiveness and sustainability in global impact.


Rev. Dave Engbrecht
World Gospel Mission Board Chair


World Gospel Mission, headquartered in Marion, Indiana was founded in 1910 and currently has 287 missionaries serving in over 30 countries. WGM is an interdenominational mission agency which engages Christlike disciples to transform the world through the sharing of the Gospel message to any who are lost within the nations. WGM embraces the message of holiness from a Wesleyan Holiness perspective.

WGM is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and a founding member of the Evangelical Fellowship of Missions Agencies (EFMA) which merged with the IFMA and is now MissoNexus.

WGM partners in ministry with many other organizations and agencies including Christian Medical & Dental Association, Samaritan’s Purse, and Disciple Nations Alliance. WGM assists both short-term and long-term missionaries and volunteers to raise their own financial support and then deploys them to serve in a wide variety of ministries including, but not limited to, church ministries, children’s and youth ministries, educational ministries, medical ministries, publication ministries, radio ministries, support ministries, sports ministries, and humanitarian ministries.

For more information contact:
Kim Burke
3783 E. State Road 18
Marion, Indiana 46952

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