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God’s Cabin: A Place for Change

God’s Cabin: A Place for Change

MARCH 11, 2024   |   2 MINUTE READ

In Central Mexico, an energetic and enthusiastic 10-year-old leans to her friends, reminding them to say a prayer before breakfast. She helps lead worship for La Cabaña de Dios (The Cabin of God) and attends a weekly Bible program, eagerly showing up to learn about God. Joe and Corinna Cavanaugh have known Kimberly for just over two years, and the seeds they’ve helped plant in her heart have already started to bloom. Below, you’ll read Kimberly’s story and how you can continue to impact her life in Mexico!

Kimberly lives in Bella Vista, a small community in Irapuato, Mexico. World Gospel Mission, together with a local church, started God’s Cabin, originally created to be a children’s Bible club. We now also feed children breakfast three days a week and have a Friday evening prayer service for the community.

Three photos of a young girl. One in a classroom with her book open, a second of her smiling and sitting at a table with food in front of her, and a third with several other children on their knees with their heads bowed and their hands raised in praise.

Kimberly growing and learning more about life found in Christ

When children attending The Cabin reach adolescence, they are consumed by the difficulties of growing up in a poor village. Satan has manipulated the minds of the people of Bella Vista for many generations, leaving behind harmful and lasting effects, such as adolescent pregnancy and substance abuse.

In Bella Vista, most of the boys will begin to experiment with drugs and alcohol, and many girls will become pregnant by the age of 15. The government of Mexico reports that over 1,000 girls between the ages of 15–19 give birth every day. The social hospitals reported that 6.2% of pregnancy consultations were for girls between the ages of 10–14. Unfortunately, the children facing these situations already feel the pressure of becoming part of these statistics. 

Adolescent pregnancy leads to an increased chance of school dropout and discontinuation of education, depending on the socioeconomic circumstances of these girls. Consequently, their prospects for securing decent employment dwindle, increasing the likelihood of remaining in conditions of poverty and social exclusion.

These statistics reflect Satan’s stronghold on this impoverished village. However, God is greater than these statistics. We know Kimberly does not have to become part of them, and can be an image for change in the Bella Vista community.

Kimberly needs support from God’s Cabin to receive the help she needs to experience the transformation we are confident the Lord has in store for her.

God’s Cabin hopes to provide a safe place where continued spiritual growth can take place for the people in this community. The organization is in the process of raising funds for the construction of a second story to house a pastor and his family. We have been praying they will take on the responsibility of leading La Cabaña de Dios Church soon.

With mighty men, women, and children praying for Kimberly and children like her, we see the dawning of transformation in her life and a surge of love for Jesus. Our prayer is that the seeds that have been planted in her heart will continue to flourish, but her story is far from over. Kimberly needs support from God’s Cabin to receive the help she needs to experience the transformation we are confident the Lord has in store for her.


PRAY: Ask the Lord to continue the work He has started in Central Mexico. Pray that Kimberly and others like her can continue building their spiritual foundation with help from the Bible Program at La Cabaña de Dios.

GIVE: Is God calling you to partner with this ministry? By giving to Bella Vista, you’re ensuring that Kimberly and others like her can continue receiving the resources provided to her now. Visit the Bella Vista giving page to discover how you can make a difference today.

Author Bio: Joe and Corinna Cavanaugh have served in Mexico for the last few years. The Cavanaughs use their gifts and talents of discipleship and mentoring, youth and young adult ministry, education, and health care, and seek to bring the joy of the Lord to transform lives in Central Mexico.

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