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Two Brothers and a Porch

Two Brothers and a Porch

MARCH 2, 2024   |   4 MINUTE READ

Kenneth and Delight Hopson, WGM missionaries located in Uganda, are on fire for the work God has been doing in their region. Delight saw a need their Ugandan friends had and developed a ministry: The Porch. The Porch is a new ministry where Ugandans can buy food at a reduced price, helping to make nutritional options more accessible to them and their families.

After several years on the field, we saw our Ugandan friends were finding it difficult to feed their families because of the increase in prices for their daily staple foods. The increase was more than they could handle, and we knew there needed to be a change. Delight saw their need and immediately started constructing a plan to start the Porch ministry.

We introduced two brothers to the Porch, Valentine and Constantino—our friends being blessed by this ministry.

These men help keep our property clean and safe, run errands, tend to the flowers in the garden and much more. They not only work for us, but they’ve also become more like our family, and when we see family struggling, we have to help them.

Two smiling men, each holding supplies of food

When we asked Valentine and Constantino how the Porch was helping them, we were surprised at what they had to say:

The Porch has helped us so much. Before it started, me and my family missed food because things in the shops are too expensive. We didn’t have enough money to pay for it, but now, we never miss eating. ~ Valentine (on the left)

The Porch has helped me a lot. The prices are so much lower than in the market; it is like we are your family members. ~ Constantino (on the right)

The Porch is meeting the nutritional needs of these brothers and their families, but we hope they’ll experience a need for Christ even more. We don’t know where these brothers stand with Jesus, but our prayer is that they see Him in us.

The Hopsons get to witness Valentine and Constantino’s relationship with Jesus grow deeper and shape the Porch ministry to become an impactful solution for helping more Ugandans. There are ways we can all help meet the needs around us, wherever we are located.


PRAY: Kenneth and Delight have already started praying for Valentine and Constantino’s hearts to be changed by the Lord. Ask God to continue to help these brothers experience a need for Him and to surround them with Christ-followers who can be strong witnesses to them.

GIVE: With their recent connection to the Porch Ministry, these men have been blessed with greater resources, and have seen God’s hand at work directly. By partnering with Delight's Homemade Goodness project, which helps support the Porch Ministry, you're helping provide resources for more people like Valentine and Constantino and creating an opportunity for more believers to minister to them on a regular basis.

Author Bio: Kenneth and Delight Hopson have served as missionaries with WGM for more than 30 years and have been in Uganda for almost twenty years. Kenneth serves in a Print Shop where he helps print discipleship materials, Bible studies, portions of God’s Word and more to help remote tribes read His word in their own language. Delight also began a new ministry, called Delight’s Homemade Goodness, that supports various other ministries through selling baked items. The Hopsons hope to return to Uganda in July 2024 to continue the work God started with them.  

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