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28 Feb 18
in Bolivia
How BEU Came to Be
Government red tape had no chance when Meredythe Scheflen started an evangelical university in Bolivia.
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16 Feb 18
in Kenya
Tenwek Hospital Update
Tenwek Hospital continues to recover from a fire on February 9, 2018.
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06 Feb 18
in Uganda
What Does It Mean to Be Missional?
We are all missionaries. Whether you have the title of missionary or not, you have the duty of a missionary.
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01 Feb 18
Doctor Captured
On August 10, 1929, a cable arrived at WGM's office in Chicago stating, "DOCTOR CAPTURED."
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30 Jan 18
10 Habits to Help You Become More Missions-Minded
Become more missions-minded in 2018.
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08 Jan 18
in Kenya
Called to Serve: Meet Tom and Emily Dillard
The Dillard family will serve at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya.
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