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Thanksgiving on the Field

Thanksgiving on the Field

Celebrating holidays on the mission field can look pretty different from what families traditionally experience off the field, especially celebrating an American holiday while living outside the United States. As we prepared to celebrate this week, we asked a few missionaries to share their thoughts about Thanksgiving on the field.

LAURA ARNOTT, American Indian Field
“While we truly miss the family gatherings we were accustomed to before coming to the mission field, we still enjoy preparing our favorite Thanksgiving foods and spending time together as a family, reflecting and thanking the Lord for His goodness. We also enjoy spending the day with our missionary family and participating in the annual Race Against the Rolls 5K run/walk that the American Indian Field hosts as a way of promoting good health.”

Laura, Darin, and Andrew Arnott after the Race Against the Rolls 5k.

Last Thanksgiving, Cydil posted on social media, “Thankful for friends who feel like family and restaurants in Albania which celebrate American traditions! #pumpkinpieandall”.

The Waggoner family on Thanksgiving 2017

ANGELA MANY, Kenya Field
"Since Thanksgiving is not a Kenyan holiday, Thanksgiving Day is a normal work day around Tenwek Hospital. But the American missionary community celebrates as a 'family' on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, incorporating everyone’s favorite Thanksgiving traditions. The day starts with the Turkey Trot 5K and Mashed Potato Mile fun runs. This helps us feel free to eat plenty at a pot-luck feast for lunch! That is followed by football in the field, then pies and coffee. Finally, we all watch the first Christmas movie of the season, usually a family-friendly classic such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Many of us plan well in advance to pull off our favorite Thanksgiving dishes, saving up goodies brought from the U.S. by visitors, such as pecans, chocolate chips, and marshmallows. Young and old look forward to our Saturday Thanksgiving tradition at Tenwek!"

Thanksgiving at Tenwek

Join us in praying for missionaries around the world this Thanksgiving as they live between the cultures of their current country and that of their passport country. Pray especially for the missionary kids and for the traditions they experience on the mission field. If you support a missionary, we encourage you to send them a message this holiday to let them know you’re thankful for the work they are doing for God’s kingdom.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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