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Frank and Christine Dewey

Retired missionaries to India and Ukraine
"“Helping Believers Grow”"
By Rachel Elwood, Staff Writer, May 2014

Retired missionaries Frank and Christine Dewey served in India for 32 years at South India Biblical Seminaryand completed their missionary service with five years in Ukraine. But whether they were battling alternating water shortages and monsoon rains in India or the bitter cold winters in Ukraine, they were always involved in biblical teaching, helping believers grow in their faith and knowledge of God.

Frank grew up as a missionary kid in India and watched his parents, Clifford and Edna Dewey, serve faithfully at SIBS. While in the United States for college, he met Chris. After they were married, they felt the Lord leading them to return to India as full-time missionaries. Frank and Chris raised their family in India, with their son and daughter eventually going to the same boarding school that Frank had attended as a child.

Frank served as a teacher, as well as field director, field treasurer, principal, and academic dean. Chris was librarian for many years and also taught classes in Christian education, psychology, history, and (her personal favorite) biblical archaeology. Frank and Chris helped SIBS transition to independence from WGM, and the school is now completely nationalized.

In 2007, they made a transition of their own by transferring to the Ukraine Field. They hosted young adult fellowships in their home and helped in the orphanage ministry. Frank also served as field treasurer and held Bible studies.

“Frank and Chris are both very thorough in everything they do,” shared Kevin Zirkle, regional director for Asia and Europe. “They have demonstrated a servant’s heart as they served both in India and Ukraine. Whatever needed to be done, they did.”

Although they are retired now, Frank and Chris are embracing a new phase of ministry. Frank recently traveled to Sri Lanka with the Jesus film project. From their home base in Bethany, Oklahoma, they are praying that the Lord will show them open doors He would like them to enter to continue to share His love with others.

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