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A Chaplain’s Diary: Stories of Miracles and Transformations

A Chaplain’s Diary: Stories of Miracles and Transformations

Chogoria Hospital is blessed to have four dedicated chaplains who serve the staff and patients. Eliphas Mutegi shares his ministry story here.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in 1976. From then on, I started witnessing about the love of Jesus Christ. After completing college, I continued doing the same within my home area. In the early 1990s, we started venturing farther. I was involved in nursing services and sharing the good news with the patients as a chairman of my church’s missions committee. In March 2016, I became a full-time chaplain after completing theological training by extension.

I have seen God do many great things. Here are some of my favorite stories of God working in amazing ways.

  • In April 2016, a Muslim man who was paralyzed and had contractures (permanently bent limbs or joints) became healed after many prayers. This was a miracle! Even greater, this man accepted Jesus as his Savior.
  • Later, a young university student was admitted who had gone mad and was hallucinating, saying he was God the Creator. He found deliverance after hearing God’s Word, followed by a prayer of faith and subsequent counseling.
  • A man with a severe heart problem called me when he was at the point of death. He told me that he was once a believer but had walked away from his faith. He wanted to repent and come back to Jesus. After prayers, God did another miracle; the man got better.
  • A young boy had attempted suicide by taking poison. His relatives were distraught because of the deep coma he was in, and they couldn’t afford medical treatment. I prayed for the family, and we were able to find help for them. Three days later, the boy had recovered and accepted Christ as his Savior.
  • More recently, a girl who had been involved in devil worship was admitted with a fractured leg. After I realized this, I called her to the chapel. Jesus delivered her after intensive prayer. She told us her story about how her cousin who is a magician introduced her to devil worship. When she went back to the patient ward, other patients wondered at the change in her; she left with scary, wild eyes and came back filled with peace.

Over 250 souls have been saved since March 2016. Friends, this is God’s doing. I could share many more stories, because God is a big God. May He be glorified through all these miracles and transformations!

Action Step

PRAY: Pray for strength and wisdom for the chaplains as they minister to patients at Chogoria Hospital in Kenya. Pray that they will share Christ’s love and communicate the gospel effectively.

The Call (December 2017)

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