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Who Is Your Crowd?

Who Is Your Crowd?

My name is Chamnol, and my Christian name is Titus. I am originally from Cambodia—one of WGM’s newest ministry locations—in Southeast Asia.

I was born in a family with two religions. My father is Catholic, and my mother is Buddhist. Since I was young, I went to both the Catholic church and the Buddhist temple. One day in 1999, one of my friends invited me to go to the Protestant church; I agreed to go with him. The pastor preached from Romans 3:23 (NIV): “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Immediately, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and convicted me that I was a sinner and that only the blood of Jesus Christ can redeem my soul and make my heart new again. There is no salvation and forgiveness in the Buddhist religion!

Matthew 9:36 (NIV) reads (emphasis added): “When he [Jesus] saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

The word “crowds” refers to the unbelievers or those who do not have a deep, real relationship with Jesus Christ yet.

The Cambodian people are living in darkness, hopeless and helpless. The country is 95 percent Buddhist and less than 3 percent Christian. I know deep inside my heart that they are my “crowd.”

It is my heart and prayer to bring the light of Jesus Christ to the lightless in every corner of Cambodia. I want the Cambodian people to know that in Jesus Christ there is hope and that in that hope is salvation and forgiveness. That hope is still open wide for them to accept it and know Him as Lord and Savior personally.

In 2011, after I passed the visa interview to come to the United States and marry my wife, Jewel, my relatives and friends told me, “Your future will be bright in America!” I responded, “My life is already bright when I have Jesus in my heart! My life is already bright when my sins are forgiven.”

When I informed them that we would be moving back to Cambodia after almost six years in the U.S., they were shocked, wondering: “What is he thinking?” Cambodia is a third-world country, corrupt and unsafe. It’s true; I can’t do this without Christ’s love in me. Christ’s love compels and convicts me to love my own people! The Cambodian people are my “crowd.”

Our hope and prayer is that 20 years from now, 30 years from now, or 40 years from now—with the power of the Holy Spirit—these statistics will be flip-flopped, and 95 percent of Cambodians will be Christian! I believe it with all my heart that this can happen, because our God is a Mighty God! His power is limitless and timeless. He can change the hearts of stubborn sinners. Yes, He can!

Matthew 9:38 (NIV) reads: “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

We are the workers, you and I! We are prayer warriors, and we are also soldiers who fight for the Lord’s kingdom, who proclaim the good news of Christ to those who have not heard it yet!

God has called me back to my home country to reach influential people with the living Word. In Cambodia, there is a saying: “The saliva of influential people is saltier.” In this context, salt refers to a critical need, like food. There is a reason why Jesus said, “We are the salt of the earth.” It’s more than just a flavoring agent; it’s food itself! We have the living Word of God in our hearts and in our mouths. The Word that transforms lives!

For the past couple months, the Lord has been faithful in leading us to people who He wants us to minister to and with. We have witnessed the transformation of lives and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our work here in Cambodia.

My question for you is: do you have a “crowd” in your life? Where are they?

We—all of us Christians—must be engaged in missions, answering the Lord’s call and reaching out to the “crowds” around us. It doesn’t have to be an overseas “crowd”; your “crowd” might be your neighbors, friends, relatives, family, or even your spouse. Get started today!

Action Step

GO: Where is your “crowd?” How can you be engaged in missions right where you are? Take some time this month to consider your community and church, and ask God to show you where He wants you to serve. Not sure where to start? We are ready to guide you. Let’s start the conversation

PRAY: Pray for Titus and Jewel as they reach out to Cambodians, seeking to share God’s truths in love.

Titus Romdenh, missionary to Cambodia
The Call (June 2018)

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