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President’s Perspective

President’s Perspective

FALL/WINTER 2020    |    1.5 MINUTE READ

Last year, around this time, we were wrapping up 2019 and getting excited about 2020. We had hopes for the year ahead and plans for what it would hold. As it turns out, we had no way to predict what the year would actually hold.

It’s been a challenging year, I won’t deny that. It kind of felt like we combined the pandemic of 1918 with the economic downturn of the 1930s and the racial tensions of the 1960s, all within the span of twelve months. But 2020 has also been full of growth, if my personal life and the many conversations I’ve had with others are any indication. Breaking out of our routine has forced us to reconsider many aspects of life, including what it means to follow Christ.

In Romans 5:3–4, Paul writes, “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope” (ESV). This verse doesn’t encourage us to make light of difficult circumstances or to wish them away—rather, it reminds us that some growth is made possible only through struggle. If we allow God, He will use the challenges we’re currently facing to make us stronger and refine us into a better likeness of Himself.

God uses His people in powerful ways. This is clear as we look at the past, but it is also clear as we look at the present day. God continues to invite us, His creation, into the beautiful story of redemption He’s writing every day.

Whether we’re starting the first nursing high school in Honduras, like Larry and Angie Overholt, or broadcasting the Gospel over the radio during a time when congregations aren’t able to meet in person, like Billy Coppedge, one thing is clear: God loves to see His people serving each other in creative ways.

This year has taught us a lot about resilience. At WGM, we’ve watched our global workers respond bravely to these recent hardships with a fierce passion for reaching others, whatever it takes. And I’d guess you’ve seen similar reactions in the people around you, too. Adversity truly does give us a chance to lift God’s name even higher.

I hope the stories in this issue encourage you the way they have me. I hope they show you that even though 2020 didn’t go the way we expected it to, the Gospel cannot be quarantined and God is still using His people to spread hope in the world. We’ve seen God show up in some really incredible ways throughout this season, and we can’t wait to share with you how He’s still at work, pursuing the hearts of people everywhere to draw them into His family.

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