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President’s Perspective

President’s Perspective


We often hear about a specific location being declared a disaster zone. Well, for the second year in a row, many people are ready to declare a similar thing concerning the year we are about to finish. While these individuals might describe 2021 as chaotic and disappointing, and label it as another disastrous year, I’ve seen another story.

I’ve seen God move a ten-year-old girl to give up her Christmas for children on the other side of the world. I’ve seen God continue to work through a long-standing ministry in brand new ways to meet physical and spiritual needs in Arizona. And I’ve seen God unite a Pennsylvania short-term missions team in the face of disappointment, using their passion for service to bring change to their neighborhood and staying connected to cross-cultural ministry in Honduras.

God has never stopped working. We see in Nahum 1:7 that “the LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (NIV). Whatever we’re facing, we can trust that God is with us, walking through the trials and tribulations. He is making a path forward for us.

If you’ve ever doubted that you have a role to play in God’s story of redemption, this issue is for you. It’s full of opportunities for you to join the life-transforming work God is doing around the world, opportunities for you to say yes to the unique calling God has placed on your life. These stories will show you that no matter your passions, no matter your age or situation in life, God invites you to make a difference.

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