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President’s Perspective: The Rest of the Story

President’s Perspective: The Rest of the Story


We can no longer assume that North Americans know the story of Jesus. I know that might be a little shocking for some of us to read. It sure is for me.

Here are some other things we know. First, the percentage of Christians in each generation has shrunk over the last five generations. Second, it is estimated that forty-two million members of Generation Z (which generally includes middle schoolers through those graduating college) will walk away from the church by the year 2050. And third, the next generation does not want to support or become missionaries at the same level previous generations did.

Again, I know this is a bit jarring.

However—this narrative seems incomplete to me. So, let’s review what else we know.

First, while each generation is becoming less and less Christian, Gen Z has a deep desire to care for the marginalized. (That sounds like Good News to me.)

Second, even though only a small percentage of Gen Z holds a biblical worldview, those who do are eager to share their faith with others. (That sounds a lot like the Great Commission to me.)

And third, places like Brazil, South Korea, China, the Philippines, Mexico, and Nigeria are on fire for Jesus. So much so that these are the countries sending missionaries all over the world now. (That sounds like more missionaries telling more people about God’s love.)

In this edition of The Call, you’ll get to read about Maggie, a Kenyan woman who is living, ministering, and spreading the Good News of Jesus in Africa. You’ll read about Luli, a young man from Albania who is serving children in his hometown through sports ministries and other life-giving activities. You’ll read about Yurie—a woman in Japan who is ministering to and loving her neighbors every day. And you’ll read about Gabe, a member of Gen Z from the U.S. who is answering God’s call to disciple young people in Paraguay.

I could write pages and pages about others like Maggie and Luli and Yurie and Gabe from places like Argentina, Bolivia, Papua New Guinea, and many others.

In other words—in this edition, you’re going to read about the rest of the story. The part of the story that we know to be true—that God and His people are active and engaged around the world, sharing His transforming love with others.

My favorite part of this story is the ending. Where we will all end up around the throne, worshipping the Lamb alongside people from every nation and tribe and ethnicity and language. And it is because we know this moment is coming that we can remember that God is writing His redemptive story writ large over all of humanity this very day.

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