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The Call: Fall/Winter 2022

The Call: Fall/Winter 2022

Throughout Scripture, we see culture shifting and God’s people being pushed to the margins. This can look like new agendas, new kingdoms, idols being built, and a people turning away from God.
Today in North America, there shifts are being felt. The widely held perspective on Christianity is changing. The emphasis on the Great Commission is decreasing.
In Scripture and today, hope is easily lost.
But as believers, we know this isn’t the whole story.
Our prayer is that as you read this issue of The Call, you’ll be encouraged by the story God is writing through His people around the world. We hope you’ll join us in praising the Father for people like Luli and Maggie and Yurie who are quietly sharing His love with a hurting world.
We hope you’ll recognize that the rest of the story Jesus is writing gives us reason to hope for His kingdom to come to earth as it is in heaven.

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