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President’s Perspective: He Is Our Constant

President’s Perspective: He Is Our Constant

FALL/WINTER 2019    |    2  MINUTE  READ    |    DR. DAN SCHAFER

Where we are today is the result of small decisions and events that happen over time. What sometimes feels like a small shift can become the beginning of a new trajectory. Like you and the rest of the world—WGM is in the midst of change. We’re in the process of growing, and as we do so, it’s important to adapt our methods to ensure we continue to grow well.

This is why we’re changing how we refer to those who serve with WGM . For many years, those serving with WGM have been called Missionary. It’s a title that carries great responsibility given from the Lord—to tell His Good News to the far corners of the earth. However, as WGM grows, we are moving into countries where the term Missionary may prohibit our entry or make it dangerous to work under such a title.

When we began the process of looking for an alternative, we were drawn to the invitation from the Lord found in Luke 10:2 to pray for more workers. And since our Missionaries are all over the globe, we thought the most fitting title would be Global Worker. Not only is the term biblically-rooted, but it also allows those in sensitive areas to freely work under the title without the negative connotations the title Missionary can carry.

Global Workers will do the same work Missionaries have always done; for that matter, they’re the same people. But how we’re referring to them in our ever-changing world is different, and that’s okay.

It’s often said that people fear change, but I don’t know if that’s accurate. I believe people fear loss. We experience this when God calls us to change a part of our lives. When we feel Him beginning to pull up our roots, we naturally fear that we’re going to lose something valuable. But the Apostle Paul wrote that what we lose is often worth very little (comparing it to garbage), and what we gain in Christ is of “infinite value” (Philippians 3:8 NLT).

Our Global Workers continuously encounter change. But I don’t see the losses they’ve encountered, I see the marvelous gains that become theirs through Christ.

In this issue, we see the example of Doug and Grace Miller (pseudonyms being used) moving away from their well-established work in Latin America to new roles in the Middle East and the roadblocks Tiffany Janofski encountered as God led her away from her original plan to Albania. We witness Steve Cartwright as a remarkable model of someone desiring to change himself so that he can better serve God. At WGM, we’re also changing the common perception of someone in ministry from only those who are pastors to include anyone who desires to use his or her passions to serve God and others. We see this ministry mindset at work in Argentina, where a group of young adults use their passion for 3D printing to create prosthetics.

The key truth to remember is that we serve a God who doesn’t change. He may change His methods in how He uses His people, but we can’t get stuck on methods, because it is He who remains constant—not our man-made systems . Knowing this, we can boldly and confidently step into the change He leads us to, believing that the God we serve today will be the same God tomorrow and forever.

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