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If You Will Help Me

If You Will Help Me

I grew up in a Christian home and went to church from the time I was born. Around the age of 12, I attended my first youth camp, where I came to understand who Christ Jesus truly is and committed my life to Him.

After I graduated from high school, I went to camp one more time before heading off to my first year of college. It was during that camp that I felt the call to Christian ministry. For sure, I didn’t know what that meant. Was it to be a pastor, a missionary, a Christian teacher, or what? I just knew in my heart that the Lord wanted me to serve in a full-time capacity.

When I returned home, I didn’t have a pastor to talk to about this call. Our church was between pastors and the laymen were holding it together until one could be found. It was during this in-between time that I had a long talk with the Lord, asking Him just what it was He wanted me to do.

I can take you to the very spot in our backyard where this conversation took place. We had a little bridge over the sulfur creek that ran along the back of our property. I took out my Bible and asked the Lord what He wanted me to do.

Now I need to let you know that I’m not one of those people who opens the Bible up and then drops a finger on a verse to find direction. But what I did see as I studied the gospels was that Jesus used parables to get His message across. A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly principle. I told the Lord that if He would help me with stories and object lessons like He used, then I would speak for Him. There was no lightning in the sky or thunder. There was no warm and fuzzy feeling in my chest. There was no tap on my shoulder by an angel. I just poured out my heart, and He listened.

From that point on, I noticed that I could remember stories and jokes easily. Then the object lessons started coming. I hardly ever speak without something in my hand to show the audience. When I see their eyes shine with understanding, I know they got the point!

I started speaking at the age of 18. Now I’ve just retired. And guess what? The Lord is still giving me object lessons and stories to use for Him! How cool is that? Because “if He will help me, I will….” 

The Call (July 2017)

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