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Listening to God

Listening to God

I was tired. After teaching all day at Taylor Christian School, I was tempted to ask if someone else could do my part at my church’s Wednesday night kids’ program. (I love kids, but anyone who works with kids knows how exhausting it can be!)

Champs School is like one day of Vacation Bible School. We start out in the chapel with songs and prayer and then split into four groups by age, ranging from 3 to 13. These groups rotate between Bible story, crafts, games, and snack time. Church members now take the lead on teaching responsibilities, and I help wherever there is a need, like leading the youngest group to their activities.

But even though I was tired, God gave me the strength to go. As usual, I was going to help with the youngest kids, but God had provided two teenagers to lead that group.

During story time, teacher Anna Perez was talking about how Jesus paid the price for our sins and how we can be made right in God’s eyes through this gift. She explained that if the children asked Jesus to forgive them, He would come into their hearts. One child spoke up and said he wanted to accept Jesus into his heart.

Anna asked if I could pray with the child. I led him to the back of the room, and we prayed together as he accepted Christ! After the group went on to the next activity, I thought: “This is a great opportunity for me to be available to the other groups if any of the kids want to accept Jesus as well.”

By the time the night was over, eight precious children had accepted Christ! I was so glad I listened to God and came to Champs School.

When you are discouraged and feel like your work for the Lord is in vain, keep persevering. It may take many years before you see the results, but know that you are planting seeds in those you are ministering to. If God has called you to a ministry, He has a plan.

Action Step

PRAY: Pray for missionaries who work with children. Over 90 percent of adult Christians made their decisions of faith before age 18 (Barna Group). Ask God to give children’s workers energy, creativity, and boundless love for His kids.

Christina McBride, missionary to the Texas/Mexico border
The Call (June 2018)

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