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God’s Love Fully on Display

God’s Love Fully on Display


Though COVID-19 has provided challenges for ministry, our global workers haven’t stopped looking for creative ways to love others during this time! They’ve stepped up and reached out, continuing to deepen and build relationships at a time when many had to remain physically apart. These pages highlight just a few of their social media posts showing how they’ve responded to the pandemic.

Bob Margaron and four others posing for a picture while wearing masks and gloves

“The Center / Peniel Mission / WGM in collaboration with Bread of Life Ministries and The Emergency Food Bank's Mobile Farmers Market is giving away food boxes, fruits and vegetables on the first Friday of every month free to local community members in need.”

Bob and Lisa Margaron
Stockton, California | April 3

Steve and Kelley wearing masks and posing with two of their students

“After three difficult months, we were finally able to visit some of our students in the community where they live. You can't see it through the masks, but we are filled with joy today!”

Steve and Kelly Solheim
Honduras | June 10

Genti, Eda and Luli standing in front of a car that is full of donated food

“This morning Nathan, Genti, Eda and Luli were able to take food to our friends in Metalle. Mandi had secured a donation of oats (2 kg per family), tea, and jarred baby food of sweet potatoes. We were able to supplement these donations (thanks to your gifts) and purchased flour, pasta, and rice.

Seeing these children and their families and ministering TOGETHER with our colleagues was so good for our souls.”

Nathan and Cydil Waggoner
Albania | April 14

The group remaining at Christian Union Bible College singing worship songs together in a home

“During this period of restrictions, the Christian Union Bible College has been shut down like many other schools. But there are still 21 of us living on campus and we have been enjoying Sunday morning worship times together.”

Erica and Benji Jenkins
Papua New Guinea | April 26

Darin and Laura Arnott, along with two others, wearing masks and collecting food to give away

“Ministry looks a lot different right now due to the pandemic, but God wastes nothing. One thing we’ve seen is how the Church has stepped up to encourage one another, love their neighbors and share the Gospel in creative ways! Praise be to God!”

Darin and Laura Arnott
American Indian Field | April 22

Ethan recording a sermon on his cell phone

“Tomorrow we will be having another live devotional shared from El Sembrador's chapel. Please join us on El Sembrador's Facebook page at 10:30 AM (Central Standard Time).”

Ethan and Ashley Batschelet
Honduras | April 15

J and D wearing masks and sunglasses on a busy street in Uganda

“When God's people work together to meet a crisis, His love is fully on display. This was distribution to TAPP families. Thank You God for making beauty from ashes.”

J and D
Uganda | April 17

Many people doing activities together online during a video call

“Tohoku Kita • Hokkaido Seikai (basically a holiness camp meeting) was held online through Zoom yesterday and today. Fun Fun English was the special event for the kids this morning, and it went really well! Grateful for the invitation to join them, grateful for the many who helped us out, and grateful for all those who participated in the class!”

Holly Muehleisen
Japan | July 24

How have you seen people responding to COVID-19 in ways that are advancing the Gospel? Post your pictures and stories on Instagram and tag @worldgospelmission so we can celebrate with you!

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