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President’s Perspective: The Intersection

President’s Perspective: The Intersection


Have you played the game of comparison lately? If you’re anything like me, then I’m sure you have. The pressure to keep up with others is different for each of us, but we all experience it.

Maybe you feel the pressure to move to the next level in your career? Perhaps you compare where you are now with where you were at the start of 2020 before COVID-19 hit and you have not moved forward like you hoped?

And do you wonder where this feeling comes from?

The reason I ask is because I have found no evidence in Scripture or from Jesus’ life that I need to achieve a certain career status, financial level, or possess certain items. Yet this idea permeates our culture.

What am I trying to get at? Sometimes (I should say oftentimes), practicing the way of Jesus is more about doing the thing right in front of you well instead of striving for the next big thing that helps you measure up against your peers. Put differently: God calls us to do what He has given us talents and passions for so He can use us to bring His kingdom here to earth. What gets in the way of this is an unwillingness to surrender our idea that we need to do ministry in a certain way or that we need to achieve a certain status. God has designed a plan for each of us, “which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2 NLT). When you step into this plan, you’re stepping into what we at WGM call the intersection of your passion and God’s heart for the world. And we believe that God has fashioned a unique intersection for each person and want to see everyone—including you—find that intersection.

This could look like Kenneth and Delight Hopson, who use baking and printing as ways to spread His Good News. It might also look like putting one foot in front of another in a new culture with language studies and a new ministry. We see the passion and giftings of science and math being used by Ruth Bordallo to impact the country of Mexico. And we even see our Mobilization team still creating ways for people to experience another culture without traveling.

What I’ve learned in these stories is that God can use anyone’s unique giftings and passions to spread His Good News, right where they are. My challenge to you is this: what has God given you that you can use right where you are to bring His Good News to those around you? While this might not bring us glory, and it might not come with financial gain or increased status, when we follow the way of Jesus and find our intersection of surrender, we’ll find a satisfaction and a joy far beyond what the world can offer.

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