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President’s Perspective

President’s Perspective


Celebration causes us to look back and reminisce on the moments that have forged who we are—the highs and lows, the moments we never thought we’d make it out of, and the memories we wish we could bottle up and never let go of. As WGM moves into a new decade, we’re navigating the way forward while learning from those who have gone before. And as we study our past to better prepare ourselves for tomorrow, we’ve learned the key has been at the core of WGM for its entire history.

I wonder if on June 10, 1910, WGM’s founders, Cecil Troxel and Woodford Taylor, thought their newly-formed organization would survive two world wars, a Great Depression, numerous economic recessions, and, most recently, an outbreak of a virus (COVID-19) that has caused hardship throughout the world.

Would Troxel and Taylor have laughed at the notion that WGM would survive all of that? Or would they have quoted promises from Scripture back at me? Given their courageous and pioneering character, my hunch is the latter. They probably would’ve taken out their well-worn Bibles and flipped to countless passages displaying God’s protection of His people.

This year, we celebrate WGM turning 110 years old. And we’re not naïve enough to believe that WGM has survived for over a century because of us. Sure, we can balance our budgets, trim costs where needed, create the most effective new ministries, and stay relevant with the times. While these tasks are helpful, we know that it is through the surrendering of our will to His in prayer that His kingdom is advanced here on earth.

The stories in this edition of The Call show exactly that: individuals who faced insurmountable circumstances, bowed their hearts before Jesus, and relied on Him as their strength.

This has been the core of WGM. When we don’t know what to do next and it feels as though the walls are caving in around us, we pray like Daniel did when he faced hardships (Daniel 4:10), because we know prayer is the answer—and it’s been proven to us for 110 years.

It’s hard to know what the next year is going to look like. But as I look at those who have gone before—WGM’s founders, global workers, and supporters, as well as the countless examples we find in Scripture—it’s clear that the answer was never found in human ingenuity; it was always found in prayer.

As you read these stories of God’s providence in our 110-year history, be encouraged and know that the God who walked through the highs and lows with those who have gone before will do the same for you today.

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