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President's Perspective: A Small Step of Obedience

President's Perspective: A Small Step of Obedience


There is no other way to describe it. The aggravation created by the circumstances was so intense it almost felt like a fog rolling in off the lake. The workday, or night in this case, had been a complete loss.

What made it worse was they had done everything right but now had absolutely nothing to show for their 12-plus hours of labor. They finally threw in the towel and were cleaning their work equipment just before heading home to get some rest. They were exhausted.

Then came the inconvenient request: “Put out a little way from the land” (Luke 5:3 NASB). Their bodies were exhausted. Their nets were clean. Their efforts throughout the night had been wasted. Have you ever noticed that Jesus’ requests are seldom convenient?

It wasn’t as though He was making a huge demand; He was only asking them to put the boat out into the water a little ways. This small step of obedience required only a limited commitment. If Peter decided that it wasn’t working out for him, all he had to do was get out of the boat and walk to shore.

But then the other shoe fell! “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4). “But master,” came the reply. This request made no sense!

How many of us have missed the fruit of harvest because we allowed our reason to overrule our obedience? All it took was another small step of obedience. Granted, the commitment was greater; there was no easy turning back this time. But all that was required was a small step of obedience.

The result was exponential! The largest catch of fish they had ever experienced. In fact, it was the largest catch they had ever heard about! Both boats began to sink as the harvest of fish was brought aboard.

Small steps of obedience in and to ministry can result in an exponential harvest. God blesses obedience in one individual—small steps of obedience—and brings about an incredible harvest in the lives of many others.


GIVE: Do you want to take a small step of faith that will have a significant impact in God’s harvest field? The Global Impact Fundprovides support services to missionaries and volunteers around the world. Thank you for your gift!

Dr. Dan Schafer, president
The Call (June 2018)

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