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President's Perspective: Why Not?

President's Perspective: Why Not?

As we stood, she posed a question I hadn’t anticipated.

We had hiked 15 minutes up to an outlook overlooking a vast valley bordered by rugged mountains. A beautiful backdrop framed us—lush green mountains towering into stunning blue skies, perfectly accented by billowy white clouds.

This area in Papua New Guinea is very remote, nearly cut off from the rest of the world and is only accessible by heavy-duty four-wheel drive vehicles. It is frequently silenced from the rest of civilization when the cell phone signal unexplainably disappears, sometimes for days. Time, energy, finances, and the mission my interviewees give their lives to only permits them to travel to a less remote area every couple of months.

I asked WGM missionaries Seth and Veronica Porter, “Why? Why have you given up the comforts available in this world? Why have you made the sacrifice to live in these very challenging conditions with your four small children?”

Veronica answered first. Her answer was itself a question.

“Why not?”

They are participating in the Lord’s harvest—His Great Commission. They are helping transform lives. They have said yes to God. They have counted the cost, concluded it is worth it, and as a result, have found God’s best.

Why not live in the center of God’s will? Why not find His best and embrace it? Why not live differently than those of the world, fully surrendered to Christ?

In this issue, you’ll read stories from around the world and have an opportunity to respond in powerful ways. WGM is here to help you discover and experience God’s best for your life. Learn more about how that can happen.

Dr. Dan Schafer, president

The Call (Fall/Winter 2018)

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