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Serving as a mid-term missionary in Paraguay during the summer of 2024.
We serve as general surgeons at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya, teaching and discipling young African Christian doctors.
Serving as a mid-term missionary with USA: Southwest Ministries
Retired missionary to the American Indian Field
I am working at our after-school program in Sells, AZ. I am sharing the love of Jesus to the Tohono O'odham Native youth.
We are on Special Assignment in the United States.
I serve as a regional director, overseeing missionaries and ministries in WGM’s East Region.
I trained nursing students at Tenwek Hospital College of Health Sciences in Kenya.
We serve through discipleship ministries and vocational skills training in Papua New Guinea.
As assistant field director for WGM Honduras, I support and mentor fellow missionaries and partner with Honduran Holiness Church.
Retired missionary to Japan
I serve as facilities technician.
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