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Rebecca Fielding

ID: 03680, Region: Africa
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How can I help? This has always been my life motto. Helping others is an integral part of my DNA. I want all people to feel known and loved by God. I am especially passionate about people with special needs and helping them to live full and meaningful lives.

I work with Least of These in Nairobi, Kenya, and surrounding areas to serve orphaned and vulnerable children with special needs. My desire is to help these children and their caregivers know that they, too, are created in God’s image and are known and loved by God. I hope to increase understanding of those living with special needs (i.e., physical, behavioral, or learning impairment) in Kenya and to improve the quality of life for children living with special needs in Kenya. 

Kenya has very limited access to therapy services. Many people are unaware that therapy services can help children with special needs lead full and meaningful lives. Least of These and their local partners serve the most vulnerable children to provide the greatest impact, bringing light and hope into their lives.

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