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Kenya: The Least of These

ID: 21197
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What is The Least of These?

The Least of These (LOT) is a ministry that serves orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya. By partnering with ten local community-based organizations, including children’s homes, rescue centers, low-income daycare programs, and a school for children with special needs, we provide medical, nutritional, and educational support.

Three photos: a doctor examining a patient, a van loaded with food, a woman and three children in an activity rooom

Medical Support
LOT conducts routine medical checks and provides needed medications. We also refer children to specialty services, such as cardiology, endocrinology, orthopedics, optometry, etc. Additionally, LOT conducts physical and occupational therapy assessments for children with special needs.

Nutritional Support
Nutritious foods are delivered to supplement what each organization can provide on its own. Locally sourced foods such as fresh fruit, eggs, all-natural peanut butter, fortified porridge, milk, and yogurt are supplied each month.

Educational Support
LOT assists with school fees, books, housing, and food for the most vulnerable children. We also provide financial support for a limited number of high school and university students associated with our programs.

Five women posing in front of a street-side food distribution area.

Who are the members of the LOT team?
How can you partner with us?
  • We invite you to stay up-to-date with the work of LOT! Please like and follow our Facebook page.
  • Pray for the children we serve.
  • Give financially to help these children to receive nutritional supplements, needed medications, and money for school fees (all schools in Kenya charge fees).

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