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Location: Kenya

Kenya: Physical, Speech, or Occupational Therapist


A physical, speech, or occupational therapist is needed to serve with the Least of These ministry in Nairobi, Kenya and the Africa Gospel Church Baby Center in Nakuru, Kenya. Those interested should have pediatric experience, be able to function independently, and have a heart/passion for orphans and special-needs children.

Length of Service
  • Short-term: 1–2 weeks
    Mid-term: 1–12 months
Ministry Description

The Least of These ministry is a part of World Gospel Mission in Kenya. We are helping over 500 orphans and vulnerable children by providing wholistic healthcare; preventative and curative care; and, on the rare occasion, palliative care. We promote health by providing rich nutrition sources in peanut butter, fortified porridge, and other supplements. We also work to help the children learn God’s Word and show them His love by our care of them. Who are vulnerable children? They may be orphans, abused or abandoned infants or children, children with special needs such as autism or cerebral palsy, or very poor children. These are some of the most marginalized in our world and need help.

Quick Facts
  • Nairobi, Kenya, is home to roughly 4 million people, and close to half live in the slums or in slum-like conditions.
  • Kenya is home to an estimated 2.6 million orphans and vulnerable children.
  • Least of These works with children’s homes, special-needs schools, HIV/AIDS clinics, children’s centers, and abandoned baby centers in nine different areas of the city.

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