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Location: India

India: Client Relation Manager


Serve with a kingdom-focused business in India that is creating local jobs. Live out your faith as you interact with employees and the local community.



  • Cross-cultural experience
  • Technology sales 
  • Project management


  • Trustworthy
  • Process-oriented
  • Empathetic
  • Problem solver
  • Results-oriented


For security reasons, those who fill out the interest form will get more details at a later date.

Language Requirements

Hindi is the common language. Being conversational or fluent in it is not a prerequisite, but you will be expected to begin learning Hindi during your time at the company.

Length of Service

Long-term: 2 or more years

Ministry Description

Envision yourself as part of a team built on the foundation of servant leadership, where the team intentionally supports each other in growth as individuals and a company. Since 2001, this company has provided businesses in the West affordable and quality software development to keep their companies growing, while creating local jobs that build team direction and personal growth. 

The company needs more staff to amplify its ability to communicate and execute reliably by managing client relationships through quick problem solving founded in mutual benefit.

  • Assist the team in serving clients and managing their expectations
  • Stay connected through the life cycle of the project and manages ongoing client opportunities
  • Participate in monthly outbound campaigns
  • Lead start-up and milestone meetings with the client
  • Be intimately involved in operations and actively collaborate with the delivery team
  • Support the sales team in securing deals
  • Assist the Business Development team in creating and reviewing proposals
  • Grow trustworthy relationships with the clients to create multi-project, mutually fruitful relationships

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