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Location: Bolivia

Bolivia: Professors


Spanish-speaking teachers trained in Bible and related ministry studies are needed to help prepare the next generation of church leaders in Bolivia. Multiply your ministry through the lives of God’s servants who will take the gospel with them throughout the country of Bolivia and beyond.


Training in Bible and related ministry studies. Knowledge of the Spanish language is a must.


Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: four weeks to one year
  • Long-term: two or more years
Ministry Description

Berea Bible Seminary trains pastors and church leaders in Bolivia for Christian service, preparing them for a variety of ministries within World Gospel Church in Bolivia. The school began as Berea Bible Institute in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in 1955 and was started by WGM missionaries Garnett and Sunny Townsend and Meredythe Scheflen. With the help and knowledge of seminary graduates, the national church has grown to about 160 congregations throughout Bolivia. The school offers a certificate in Bible, a diploma in theology, and a licenciatura (bachelor’s degree) in theology/pastoral ministries. The Theological Education by Extension program of the seminary also reaches out to various locations throughout Bolivia. 

Quick Facts
  • Although Berea Bible Seminary was founded by missionaries, it is now owned and operated by the World Gospel Church of Bolivia (La Iglesia Evangélica Mundial de Bolivia) and is overseen by the Theological Education Commission of the national church.
  • Bolivia is a “young” country; more than 53 percent of Bolivians are under the age of 24. The WGM Bolivia team is strategically focusing on ministries that reach out to those 29 years of age and younger with the love of Christ.
  • As one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, Bolivia has great material and spiritual need. It is reported that 45 percent of Bolivians live on less than the international standard of $2 per day.

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