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Location: Bolivia

Bolivia: Seminary Personnel


Join a multi-cultural team at a seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia, that is equipping Bolivians in pastoral ministry.

  • Training in Bible and related ministry studies.
  • Good administration experience.
  • Knowledge of Spanish is essential, so applicant must speak or be willing to learn the Spanish language. Quechua language learning on site would be ideal. (In addition to Spanish, Cochabamba has a large Quechua speaking population.)
  • Berea Bible Seminary in Cochambamba, Bolivia.
Length of Service
  • Long-term: two or more years
Ministry Description

Berea Bible Seminary has a large campus in the central Bolivian city of Cochabamba. Personnel is sought to help teach and administrate this extension of the seminary’s ministry. Funding for student scholarships is also a great need in order to continue the training of new pastors for this region of the country.

Quick Facts
  • Cochabamba is known as the "City of Eternal Spring" because of its spring-like temperatures all year round. 
  • Ministry in Cochabamba through the Bolivian national church, Iglesia Evangélica Mundial, began in the 1980s and the construction of the seminary campus there was spearheaded by WGM missionaries in the early 2000s. 

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