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Location: Honduras

Honduras: Volunteer Coach


Volunteers are needed to coach basketball (spring) and/or volleyball (fall) for the boys’ and girls’ 7-11th grade teams.


A volunteer coach should be knowledgeable of their respective sport and have a desire to teach patiently and passionately. Experience working with youth is important.


El Sembrador, Honduras

Language Requirement

A basic level of conversational Spanish is necessary.

Age Requirement

Applicant must be at least 18 years old.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: 2-3 months
Ministry Description

El Sembrador is a private Christian school dedicated to reaching the next generation of Hondurans with high-quality education and Christian values. Many students come from difficult backgrounds or families with economic struggles. One of the best ways for our students to relax and develop life skills is through our sports program. The coaching position not only involves leading practices and coaching games but also includes a mentoring opportunity in which the coach will be intentional about investing in the students’ lives inside and outside of the sports setting.

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