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Location: Mexico

Mexico: Community Development Directors


Community development directors are needed to help WGM Mexico reach out to communities through wholistic ministries. These ministries focus on reaching the entire person—physically, spiritually, emotionally—in order to show them how Jesus loves them completely. 


It is preferred that applicants have a four-year degree in community development and a recommendation from their local church. Disciple Nations Alliance and Community Health Evangelism training will be provided by WGM on the field. 

Language Requirements

Applicants must be able to speak Spanish. 



Length of Service
  • Mid-term: four weeks to one year 
  • Long-term: two or more years 
Ministry Description

Jesus alone is the answer for Mexican communities, and He is waiting for His Church to demonstrate this truth. Participants will work with local churches using Disciple Nations Alliance and Community Health Evangelism methodologies. With the local church as a platform, the community development directors will encourage communities to assess their own needs and resources, looking to God to transform them. 

 Quick Facts
  • In northern Mexico, only 7 percent of the population considers themselves evangelical Christian. 
  • In central Mexico, that number drops to less than 2 percent. 
  • More than 50 percent of the population is 20 years of age or younger. 


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