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Location: Mexico

Mexico: Children’s Ministries Trainer, Youth Outreach Leaders


A children’s ministries trainer and youth outreach leaders are needed to work with World Gospel Church of Mexico. They will help identify and train Mexicans to be involved in children’s ministries. Specific duties include promoting effective children’s and youth ministries, developing and implementing training programs, and ensuring that every local church has trained children’s and youth workers. The trainer will also be involved in helping to develop a nationwide children’s and youth ministries curriculum. This curriculum will teach the whole Bible to children and youth and explain what living a holy life means


Applicants must have experience in either children’s or youth ministries. They must also have a good testimony in their local church and be able to train other teachers. 

Language Requirements

Applicants must be fluent in Spanish. 



Length of Service
  • Mid-term: two weeks to one year 
  • Long-term: two or more years (preferred) 
Ministry Description

Although most local churches have children’s Sunday School programs, there is rarely any further outreach to either the children or the youth who attend. Developing local children’s and youth ministries programs and a nationwide curriculum will help churches and families “train children in the way they should go” (Proverbs 22:6 CEB). 

 Quick Facts
  • In northern Mexico, only 7 percent of the population considers themselves evangelical Christian. 
  • In central Mexico, that number drops to less than 2 percent. 
  • More than 50 percent of the population is 20 years of age or younger. 


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