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Location: Spain

Spain: Web Manager


An international team in Spain is working to create media materials that will speak into the hearts of Muslim immigrants. The web manager should have adequate interface design skills to create user-friendly experiences and to be able to translate high-level requirements into interaction flows and artefacts. 

  • Work experience as a web manager

  • Demonstrable graphic design skills

  • Experience in creating wireframes, storyboards, user flows, process flows, and site maps

  • Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, or other visual design tools

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for rapid prototyping

  • Ability to solve technical problems

  • Current knowledge of web trends, techniques, and technologies

  • Familiarity with content management systems 

Ministry Description

The team is committed to identifing the characteristics of certain sectors of a Muslim community and presenting biblical perspectives that respond to their needs, struggles, and questions in culturally sensitive ways. The chief goal is to increase the awareness of certain sectors of a Muslim community about the options that Christianity offers in response to their particular social, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual needs.

Quick Facts
  • The target audience of these media projects is various sectors of a Muslim community in Europe. These sectors are defined according to gender, age group (first or second generation), educational level, or common interest within their particular context.
  • There are several Christian media initiatives trying to reach out to Muslims. However, these efforts tend to be broad-based, aiming to reach an entire region (such as North Africa or the Middle East) and touch the general needs of the audience.
  • There is no ministry fully addressing the particularities of Muslim immigrants. Also, no ministries work on the production of materials dedicated to specific sectors, such as second-generation Muslims, of this community. 

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