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Location: Cambodia

Cambodia: English Teacher (TESOL)


Cambodia is a country that is quickly developing. As those in the country look to advance, competency in English is an invaluable skill that more and more Cambodians are looking to acquire. Teaching English as a second language meets a need and allows for the chance to build meaningful relationships with students and their families. These relationships and conversations that flow out of teaching English will provide opportunities to share the love of Christ.


It is highly desirable, but not required, that applicants have a bachelor’s degree in English, TESOL, International Studies, Children’s Ministries, or Missiological Studies. Those who would come to serve long-term need to achieve an ESL or TEFL certificate from a recognized program or have a degree in English or TESOL. All applicants should have a warm, friendly disposition and good people skills

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: three months to one year
  • Long-term: two or more years
Language Requirements

Those coming 3-12 months will be required to take a short “Kickstart to Khmer” language class. Longer-term missionaries will enroll in full-time language study at the beginning of their term.

Ministry Description

Teaching English is a great way to build relationships with the Cambodian people. There are opportunities to teach English from a beginners’ to advanced level in both formal and informal settings, both one-on-one and in group settings—with children, university students, adults, teachers, and NGO workers. Teachers will be expected to prepare their own lessons in an engaging manner that will help advance language learners of various levels. The expectation is that teachers actively look for opportunities to point to Jesus as they build relationships through teaching English.

Quick Facts
  • “Sampeah” is the Cambodian gesture used to greet and bid farewell to people. There are five different ways to show respect to someone using “sampeah” depending on their age, relationship with you, and social status.
  • Khmer uses a phonetic alphabet with 33 consonants, 23 vowels, and 12 independant vowels. Visually, the Khmer alphabet is similar to the Thai and Lao; however, Khmer is not a tonal language.
  • Cambodia is currently the 70th most populous country in the world with an estimated 2019 population of 16.49 million, an increase from 2013's estimation of 14.9 million.

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