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Location: USA: Stockton, California

The Center: Treasurer/ Bookkeeper


A treasurer/bookkeeper is needed on The Center/Peniel Mission Field.


Applicants must be good with math and numbers, have good organizational skills, and have a working knowledge of Excel spreadsheets. A four-year college degree in Christian ministries is preferred. However, consideration will be given to those with two-year degrees. Some Bible training is essential as the focus of this ministry is sharing the gospel with children and youth.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one to two years

  • Long-term: two or more years


Stockton, California

Ministry Description

Do you think all missionaries are pastors, teachers, nurses, or doctors? Don’t believe the hype. WGM believes there is a place for everyone in missions. Support ministries offer a way for you to find your niche in missions by using your God-given talents and abilities to work hand-in-hand with other missionaries and national Christians. In addition to the daily responsibilities of the field treasurer, opportunities will be available for ministry outside of the office.

Working under the motto, “Giving faith, hope, and love to inner-city kids and their families,” The Center offers alternative activities to kids who would otherwise be home alone or running the streets. Such activities include Bible Club, recreation, crafts, snacks, camps, and the Learning Center. These programs are geared to teaching the kids the skills they’ll need to become productive members in their communities. More importantly, the kids are introduced to Jesus Christ, giving them a constant in their lives so they can make good decisions and live for Him.

Quick Facts
  • Kids ranging in age from elementary through high school come every day after school for mentoring and homework help and to attend Bible Club and other activities.

  • Children who come to The Center are often leery of accepting people, so missionaries and local volunteers take time to build relationships and lay a foundation of love and God’s Word with firm but loving boundaries.

  • Missionary Bob Margaron is a certified Police Resource Chaplain for local public schools in Stockton. This position allows him to legally introduce students to Jesus on school campuses.

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