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Location: Czech Republic

Czech Republic: Children's English Camp


We're looking for one or two volunteers who can help with English conversation, games, and activities. This is an opportunity not only to show God's love to Czech children, but also to show God's love and support to the family that leads the camp, who are new believers in Christ.


A willing heart to work with children and serve in games, English conversation, and preparation and clean-up of camp facilities 


Podebrady, Czech Republic

Length of Service

Short-term: 1–2 weeks

Ministry Description

Our ministry in the Czech Republic is all about building relationships. One of our friends—and a new Czech sister in Christ—leads an English Camp for children each summer as a part of the income for her family. One way to be there for her as the body of Christ is to help support her English Camp!

We're looking for one or two volunteers who can help with English conversation, games, and activities, not only as a way to show God's love to Czech children, but to show God's love and support to the family that leads the camp.

The camp starts in August 2024 and lasts for two weeks. Each day, volunteers spend time from 9:00–4:00 at the camp—and possibly a little longer helping with clean-up and prep for the next day.

Quick Facts

The Czech Republic is at the center of Europe and is one of the most atheistic nations in the world. Our ministry is a part of a small local church seeking to be the light of Christ in a place where most people do not know Jesus.

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