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Location: Africa Region, Kenya

Kenya: Lecturers (Theology, Counseling, Bible)


The African Gospel Church would love for you to partner with them if you are a college lecturer in one of the following subjects: Bible and Theology, Business, Education, IT, Health Sciences, Music, Evangelism, Discipleship, Church Planting, and Missions with African Gospel Church training institutes, Kenya Pastors Training College, and Kenya Highland University.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: 1–12 months
  • Long-term: two or more years

A bachelor’s or master’s degree in theology, counseling, ministry, or another related field is preferred. Pastoral experience is also helpful. Long-term career missionaries would be preferred because of the way courses are spread out.

Ministry Description

Africa Gospel Church in Kenya has 1,700 congregations, comprising 300,000 people in eastern Africa. Unfortunately, many pastors in AGC churches are untrained and unable to attend Kenya Highlands Evangelical University in Kericho because of expense, distance, family responsibilities, or they do not meet admission requirements. Kaboson Pastors Training College was founded in 1993 in the Chebalungu district in southwest Kenya to meet the vital need of providing national pastors with formal education and theological training.

Quick Facts
  • AGC’s mission is “to fulfill the Great Commandment and Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Great Plan.” The Great Commandment embodies loving God (spiritual development) and man (social development). The Great Commission (intentional discipleship) informs the need for structure and programs. The Great Plan (dynamic evangelism) defines the extent of AGC’s mission, which is not just local but is also to make an impact on families, communities, nations, and the world.
  • The church oversees several pastoral/leadership training programs, medical outreach through Tenwek Hospital, and urban church ministries in Nairobi and thirty other major Kenyan cities.
  • AGC sends out over fifty Kenyan missionaries to more than ten unreached groups in Kenya. They are intentional in developing programs and outreach strategies friendly to people of other faiths, including programs in parts of northeastern Kenya.

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