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Location: Africa Region, Uganda

Uganda: University Ministries Personnel


University ministries personnel are needed to minister among university students and staff in Uganda. You’ll serve through friendship evangelism, apologetic discipleship, Bible studies, and possible classroom teaching. Over 100 universities in East and Central Africa have invited us to begin student ministries. 


Minimum requirements include a four-year degree from an accredited college or university; a passion for college students and staff; and a keen sense of apologetics, worldviews, and Christian theology. Applicants must also be able to effectively engage in discussions about current events and culture from a Christian perspective. Additional desirable qualifications include a graduate or post-graduate degree, credentials to teach at the university level, and ordination by a recognized denomination.

Training Provided

In-country training will be given as necessary. 

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one to twelve months
  • Long-term: two or more years
Ministry Description

Through university ministries outreach, students and staff in universities and communities will be touched with the gospel message through friendship evangelism, Bible studies, discipleship, and education.

Quick Facts
  • Uganda is about the size of Oregon and is home to more than 34.9 million people and 55 indigenous tribes.
  • The 2014 census revealed that 84 percent of Uganda’s population consider themselves Christian while about 14 percent of the population identify as Muslim.
  • Uganda has been called “The Pearl of Africa” because of its rich natural resources, including the people, who are known for their warm hospitality. 

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