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Location: Japan

Japan: Youth Worker


Immanuel General Mission is looking for a missionary to teach English classes and work with youth in the local churches. There will be opportunities to lead Bible studies for young people.


A four-year college degree is required, preferably with some Bible courses. Training in Teaching English as a Second Language is preferred but not essential.

Language Requirement

Those desiring to serve in this position are expected to attend language school and make progress in understanding and speaking Japanese.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: six weeks to one year
  • Long-term: two or more years
Ministry Description

Learning English is a great way to make contact with people in Japan. Establishing a relationship with someone is essential before a meaningful presentation of the gospel can be made. Through English classes at churches, contact can be made with many people and relationships can be developed. This also gives the people a connection to the church. Immanuel General Mission is an indigenous Japanese denomination started in October 1945. Currently, IGM has 110 congregations with a total membership of almost 4,000.

Quick Facts
  • When you enter the home of a Japanese family, take off your shoes at the door and put on slippers. This is a tradition that keeps the floors clean. Also, always bring a gift—usually food—to give to the family.
  • Bowing is a critical part of Japanese culture. Just like shaking hands in America, bowing is a greeting; it is also used to express thanks, say goodbye, and other pleasantries. Learn the rules before bowing, though, because different bows mean different things.
  • Traditionally, Shintoism and Buddhism have strongly influenced the Japanese. While the cultural influences of these religions remain, many Japanese today are very secular. However, there are opportunities for evangelism and discipleship through English and Bible classes at Japanese churches and other venues.

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