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Location: Hungary

Hungary: Discipleship


While the number of Christians in Hungary are a low percentage, God can do amazing things with true disciples of Jesus. We believe that as more and more Hungarians become faithful disciples of Jesus, families, communities, and ultimately the country can be transformed for Christ and become a light for all of Europe.

Length of Service
  • Mid-term: one year or longer
  • Long-term: two or more years 
Special Requirements

Requirements will vary depending on specifics of the ministry.

Ministry Description

Discipleship is the heartbeat of what we do in Hungary. There are a variety of ministries to join in and seek to make disciples. We believe that discipleship happens along the whole journey of helping one move from being alienated from God to becoming a multiplying, fruit-bearing believer. Therefore, one coming to serve in discipleship would be expected to walk alongside individuals and be a means of moving that person forward in their journey with God. This could happen in small groups, through English teaching, horse ministry, coffee house ministry, etc. One would be expected to live a life above reproach and to engage in the culture and language.

Training Provided

Hungarian language learning will be expected.

Quick Facts
  • Hungary’s population is nearly 90% cultural Christian, but this is by and large tied to tradition and not belief. As such, evangelicals are listed at under 3% of the population.
  • During communist rule in Hungary, churches were allowed to remain open, but most often communist approved pastors were installed who did not believe in Jesus; these pastors or others in the church were also likely spies.

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