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Location: Papua New Guinea

PNG: Christian Education Team Leader


Build and lead a team that supports the ministry of the Christian Union Bible College in Papua New Guinea

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Theological training
  • Some administration/leadership experience

Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea

Training Provided

Tok Pisin language and PNG culture lessons

Language Requirements
  • English upon arrival
  • Willingness to learn Tok Pisin after arriving
Length of Service

Long-term: 2 or more years

Ministry Description

While "college" is in the name, Christian Union Bible College (CUBC) is more similar to a training institute. The men and women who attend CUBC have had minimal education and often struggle with learning in a classroom. However, this has not stopped God from calling them into full-time ministry! CUBC exists to provide quality training to these men and women in order for them to fulfill God's call on their life.

We need someone to serve as the administrator and team leader for CUBC. This involves managing the day-to-day operation of the college, teaching, and building a team of educators to serve at the college.

Quick Facts
  • Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse nation in the world, with over 850 spoken languages and even more dialects.
  • Around 80% of PNG's population reside in rural areas with little to no modern facilities.

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