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Location: Cambodia

Cambodia: Secondary Education teacher


WGM is excited to partner with Mission International School Cambodia (MISC). This is an exciting opportunity for Teaching As Mission (TAM), and interested teachers will get in on the ground level of a new and developing Christian International school.


MISC teaches grades 7 through 12. We’re looking for teachers who exhibit godly character and who have a passion for working with high school students. They need a bachelor's degree or teaching certificate. 

Current needs are for teachers in the following subjects: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, Arts, Sports, and Computer. 


Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia

Training provided

Orientation to living in Cambodia will be provided by the WGM team in Cambodia, including visits to historical landmarks that include Toul Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields. Orientation to the school and its neighborhood will be provided by MISC.

Language Requirements

Teachers will enroll in a Kickstarter language course to enable them to have the basics of the Khmer language to navigate life in Cambodia. The school operates in English. 

Length of service

Long-Term (2 or more years)

Ministry Description

MISC is an International School founded by Abraham and Sarah Park from South Korea. Their desire is to build a school where young people are discipled in Christian principles in order to cultivate Cambodian Christian leaders for the future of Cambodia. 

Completion of construction of the campus is due in July 2023. Founder Abraham Park has designed the school so that aesthetics meets functionality! The design and structure of the school enhances the learning environment. The first intake of students will be in September 2023.

Join a multi-cultural teaching team who will work together to teach a multi-cultural student body in a Christian context. Phnom Penh has a very diverse population. 

The school is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International.

Quick Facts
  • Phnom Penh was nicknamed the "Pearl of Asia" for its early 20th century colonial French architecture.
  • Cambodia jokingly has three seasons: hot, too hot, and too hot and humid.
  • Only 2% of Cambodians are Evangelical Christians.

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