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Location: Albania

Albania: Recreation and Activities Coordinator / Fitness Trainer


Join the ministry team at Jeta Ministry Center which has a holistic approach to reaching the villages surrounding Vlashaj, Albania. Be prepared to provide fitness classes and help create and carry out a variety of ministry activities for all ages.


We’re looking for a person trained and gifted in physical fitness/recreation/exercise science who loves to create activities for all ages and loves Jesus. Needs to be a self-starter and implementor with an approachable personality and flexible attitude to work.


Vlashaj, Albania (a village thirty minutes outside Tirana, the capital)

Training Provided

Orientation to culture and ministry along with language lessons in Shqip—the Albanian language

Language Requirements

Mid-termers will take a beginner’s Albanian language course. It will be important to learn commonly used phrases in Albanian. Translation will be provided when necessary.

Long-termers will engage in language and culture learning to attain a level of conversational fluency.

Length of Service
  • Mid term: one to twelve months

  • Long term: two or more years

Ministry Description

The Jeta (Life) Ministry Center was dedicated in May 2022. You will be joining a multi-cultural team of WGM missionaries and Albanian believers working with Planters Seed Foundation to serve the community of Vlashaj and the neighboring villages. The activities provided at the center are holistic, addressing spiritual, physical, and educational needs. You will be responsible for leading ladies’ fitness classes and assisting with a ministry to young disabled adults.

There is unlimited potential for reaching all ages of the surrounding communities through recreational activities and special events so come with ideas, energy, and a desire to build relationships that convey the love of Jesus. Additional practical skills such as ESL training, cooking, sewing, crafts, etc., can also be put to good use. English is not commonly used by the older generations or in the villages but some younger people speak some English. The ministry team language is English.  

Quick Facts
  • Albania is the only predominately Muslim country in Europe. Approximately 70 percent of Albanians are Muslim, and less than 1 percent are evangelical Christian.

  • Under communism, all mosques and churches were closed and all religious observances were prohibited. Private religious practice was not allowed until 1991, and the first complete Albanian Bible was not printed until 1994.

  • Mother Teresa, who spent the majority of her life ministering to the poor and dying in Calcutta, India, was born an ethnic Albanian.

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